‘The Walking Dead’ Consumed: Carol on the Road to Redemption

‘The Walking Dead’ Consumed: Carol on the Road to Redemption

In Consumed, this week’s episode of The Walking Dead Carol continues on her long road to redemption. A journey that she began when Rick booted her out of the the group when she admitted to killing Karen and David. Even though the woman had noble intentions, she was trying to keep the flu thing from sweeping through the prison going so far as to burn the bodies, her act of stepping up to the challenge initially earned her Rick’s banishment and later she had to live with her decision. No doubt the woman felt she acted correctly “in the moment” but she was bothered by the act as shown in Consumed with her flashbacks.

‘The Walking Dead’ Daryl and Noah to the Rescue (Review)

‘The Walking Dead’ Daryl and Noah to the Rescue (Review)

In this week’s episode of The Walking Dead: Consumed, Carol joined Daryl to go and find Beth, or at least learn what has happened to her, and by the end of the episode it looks like it will be Noah who walks out of the bushes when the show converges to the point where Michonne confronted Mr. Dixon in the bushes outside the cowardly Reverend Gabriel’s church. Taking a moment to look dispassionately at this season’s events and its trio of storylines, which are pretty much occurring at the same time in the verse at this point, are all putting the characters through the grinder. Rick’s group have been left pretty much alone while The Walking Dead has followed the journeys of Abraham’s group and Beth’s.

The Walking Dead: The Grove Broken Youth and Shocking Death *Contains Spoilers*

The Walking Dead: The Grove Broken Youth and Shocking Death *Contains Spoilers*

This week’s The Walking Dead: The Grove is easily the most disturbing, gut-wrenching and horrifying episode of season four’s second half, 43 minutes of broken youth and death. Watching Carol, Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika and baby Judith advance towards the hoped-for sanctuary of Terminus makes the viewer tense up with the secret that Carol yet to reveal before the show really digs in.

The Walking Dead: Inmates All Roads Lead to Terminus

The Walking Dead: Inmates All Roads Lead to Terminus

Episode 10 of season 4 The Walking Dead: Inmates seems to be saying that all roads may lead to Terminus. The “safe haven” promised at the end of the railroad track has a fairly ominous sounding name. Although the real meaning of the word began with the Latin term for boundaries and the God Terminus who ruled over same. It can also mean the end of something, like the final stop at journey’s end, or in everyday usage, a bus terminal. It is, perhaps, the saying or reading of the word that makes it seem less than hopeful. Terminus does sound pretty close to terminal, which also has various meanings; deadly being one of them.


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