Dominion: Day of Wrath – The End is Nigh? (Review)

Dominion - Season 2

In Dominion this week  Vega’s denizens are still reeling from the plague of darkness released by Gabriel, the eight-balls approach and the archangel grabs Michael as he watches the city crumble. Michael quickly discovers that Gabriel has the darkness in him and that Julian is responsible. After initially telling his brother that he will not fight,  Michael soon has to change his mind as Gabriel sets about killing him.

This penultimate episode of season two sees pathos and  home truths all happening at once. Arika leaves Claire to return for Helena, David almost dies at Lady Riesen’s hand and he sacrifices his son William for Vega once again.

This time permanently.

Day of Wrath shows more to the Gabriel vs Michael backstory, that the seal was broken by Gabriel in 2016 on Christmas Day, where he, Noma and Michael sit in a Jasper, Texas bar.   The archangel repeats his mantra that “Father will come back when the humans are all gone” and  over Michael’s objections breaks the Seventh Seal to start the Apocalypse.

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Claire and David reach an “understanding.”

A number of characters in this episode,  “clear the air” with one another. Nomes and Claire come to an agreement and after a scene fraught with angst, regret, denial and tragedy, David and William come to terms with one another…

Whele shoots his son just a tad too late to stop him from leaving the city wide-open for the invading eight-balls.  He cradles a dying William and says, tearfully, “I always loved you.”

William opens his eyes and focusses on his father’s face:

“No…You didn’t.”

The ongoing “sibling rivalry” between Gabriel and Michael is shown to have been existent for quite some time, at least as long ago as 2016.  Although the two have never really seen eye to eye on anything as shown in the “flashback” of  the Lyrae/Julian backstory.

As the eight-balls threaten to engulf the city and the main players of Vega interact, the two archangels do battle and a losing Michael tries to convince his brother that Lucifer still lives, despite what they, and a few other archangels did to him.

“If he lives, says MIchael, ” there’s no telling what shape his vengeance will take.” He also tells Gabriel that their older brother wants Alex.

By the end of the show;  Claire is back with Alex, if only for  the time they face the eight-ball hordes who have entered the tunnel under Vega, Arika, who earlier tells Claire that she is leaving, does not.  Gabriel takes Michael to Mallory to see if Lucifer, aka Morning Star, is really there.

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Claire and Alex share a moment before the eight-ball’s break through.

Apart from William (Luke Allen-Galecoming through, as predicted, as the wild card, the impressive thing that Day of Wrath gives the viewer is how the archangels and the humans are so alike.  Both sides argue, disagree, lie, fight and mistrust one another.  This does not apply to the “lower angels” as eight-balls, they appear to have no cognizant thought process and are easily ruled, first by Julian and then by Gabriel.

The episode also revealed how each person changed after the darkness visions abated. Arika became more humane, Claire more focussed and forgiving, David more accepting of what he had become. William, once again, was the odd-man out. His vision, which revealed he was not the Chosen One at all, did not cure his madness, it just redirected it.

William’s crying laughter as he beats the gate console to pieces is almost heartbreaking as is David’s tearful, “Oh forgive me please. I love you,” just before shooting his son several times in the torso.  (This was a real tissue’s required scene.)

Gabriel has dragged Michael off to Mallory, the gates of the city are open and the last scene is of Alex moving away from the small group of defenders to do…What?

A mass cleansing of the eight-balls? This may well be the ultimate test/proof that Lannon is the Chosen One although Michael will not be there to see it.

Mad props to Anthony Head this week with his powerful and entrapping performance as the “changed” David.  His scenes with both Roxanne McKee and Luke Allan Gale were electric. Kudos to Carl Beukes for his beautifully delivered pathos and to  Gale for his tragic figure at the end who wants to punish the world.

October 1 sees the season two finale of Dominion  airing on SyFy. Do not miss this apocalyptic finale

Dominion: Bewilderment of Heart – What Color is Your Amphora? (Review)

Dominon - Season 2

Last week on Dominion we saw “dark” Gabriel drop off the amphora of darkness at Vega, although “darkness” is a bit misleading as, Michael points out later in the episode, the spreading inky black stuff drives everyone it contacts mad.  Before the episode ends all the inhabitants of Vega have been affected by this weapon of God. There are many changes, Alex turns out to be able to do much more as the Chosen One than ever previously suspected, the two Whele’s are forced to face their “inner reality” and the other main players learn their own truth. Claire, apparently,  is dying from loss of blood after a wrenching little perfect families scenario.

*Sidenote* There was an annoying moment, or two,  of the amphora changing color or,  more accurately, its overall appearance. Obviously, this mostly jet-black vase, with a pretty important lid, that Gabriel unleashed upon Vega was considered too plain by this now very dark archangel. He obviously stopped on the way to the city he wants to destroy and got the thing gold plated…Like you do. Later in the episode, after Nome’s finds it, the object is back to its “plain Jane” appearance. Nice one chaps…Not.

This episode was brilliant in its almost epic  focus on what each character feared or wanted. Tom Wisdom’s Michael says of the visions released by the amphora (or the vase of many colors):

“Some are nightmares, but some are dreams. Beautiful but fatal; all end in death.”

Each character had their own personal reflections and realizations:

David Whele faces the truth that despite his protestations that his actions were all for “Vega”  he has essentially sold his soul. His focus on becoming the “Lord of Vega” has turned him into a monster., with the “soul of an eight-ball.”

William Whele faces the realization that he really is not the “Chosen One.” His vision has an eight-ball Claire revealing what actually happened in the desert.  She tells him that, yes the  eight-balls tortured William and did unspeakable things  to him. Perverse things that the Whele sibling liked and that the flash of light was not God at all, but the thief’s gun exploding and William was talking to himself, not God at all.

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William Whele coming to terms with a different reality

William is also visited by Alex, who forces him to admit that he is not the Chosen One at all. There is also a “punk” version of Gabriel who visits his former “protege.” Carl Beukes as Gabriel gets what must be the funniest line of the entire episode. He bellows at William that he was never the “Chosen One.” He follows this up with:

“You’re a re-ject.”

When Gabriel’s delivers this revelation he drags the “re” part out to brilliant effect. Priceless.

Claire “lives” a perfect idyllic happy family scenario where she has given birth to Alex’s baby, a girl. In the middle of the sunshine and loving atmosphere, Lady Riesen sees blood on her arm and her vision of Alex sees nothing.  By the end of the dream, Claire is lying on the floor, with two dead troopers for company, apparently bleeding out from a wound on her forearm.

*Sidenote* It has to be noted that when Claire goes into pick up her baby;  the infant is the spitting image of Nic Bishop, aka Gates Foley.  This physical resemblance of the child to the recently deceased Gates was funny and it took a couple of moments for the laughter to subside from this inadvertent comic bit to “get back into the mood.” 

Arika (Shivani Ghai) lives a nightmare where Rose, the eight-ball that she killed in another episode, has come back to exact revenge. The vision itself is revealing in that Arika also fears turning into her mad mother.

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David Whele facing himself.

Michael has a vision, where Noma has murdered Alex and he seeks to kill the wingless angel. Noma does not have a dream, the amphora “speaks” directly to her telling Nomes that she has her wings back.

Alex, who may or may not have had a vision (this is a little unclear as so much is going on) closes the amphora. Michael states early on in the episode that only an angel can close this weapon of God, but those markings on Alex’s body march down his arms and allow the Chosen One to close the now black amphora.

Gabriel remarks that the plague of darkness was over “rather quickly” but he is already moving on to plan “b” for the destruction of Vega.

The episode moves all the pieces together for a climax that may not leave Vega, or the city’s inhabitants above ground. Kudos to writers Katie GruelRebecca Kirsch and Jerry Shandy for digging deep and coming up with a brilliant look at the inner fears and worries of the main characters.

Director Gregg Simon, sitting in the hot seat for the first time on Dominion, handles the episode with an impressive adeptness and does not allow the show’s “darkness” to be so dark that one felt the need to reach for the brightness controls.

Standout Moments:

The amphora suddenly appearing with what looks to be a solid gold plated exterior after being black from “day one.”

Roxanne McKee as an eight-ball Claire Riesen. (Nuff said.)

Arika being oddly vulnerable. (And if  Ghai did not use a body double..Let us just say. it is obvious that someone spends a lot of time at the gym.)

Luke Allen-Gale in that final scene as William is proper creepy and disturbing as they say in the trenches.

Anthony Head as the eight-ball David. Head has got massive acting chops and he took off in this episode.

Carl Beukes as Punk Gabriel, “You’re a reeeeeeeeeject!” Never has a line been so blackly and comically rendered as insult. So good it had to be mentioned twice.

The realization that the entire episode, in Vega time, took seconds in the lives of the main protagonists. David’s “awakening” with the noose choking him as he knelt on the trapdoor of the gallows showed that all the visions occurred in a very, very short (as Gabriel notes) time.

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Michael reflecting.

Dominion airs Thursday on SyFy. This show features some of the best writing on television in the world of fantasy and science fiction/religion. Do not miss this.


Dominion: House of Sacrifice “Lucifer is that You?” (Review)

Dominion - Season 2

Last week in Dominion Julian went underground after turning Gabriel into a vessel for darkness “How does it feel Gabriel? Does it tickle?” and the town of Mallory made a reappearance in the plot line. This week picks up after Michael collapses in Vega.

His body lays dormant and he appears in the church of Mallory where he talks to the prophet. Michael’s storyline runs alongside the fight for Vega. Before the end credits roll, Claire will lose her “new man” and David Whele is captured and imprisoned. Erika makes a deal, General Riesen loses again and Michael learns that his big brother Lucifer is alive and well.

All the storylines this week took a step forward toward a season finale that seems to lead to Vega being either moved or reinstated someplace else. As usual, there were plenty of set pieces that featured some brilliant dialogue. The scenes with Nic Bishop (Gates) and Christopher Egan (Alex) were very good as these two had a brilliant chemistry together. Their “not so” good natured banter as they enter the reactor was just perfect.

Setting these two men,  who have the beautiful and strong Claire Riesen (Roxanne McKee) as a common interest, against one another meant for what could have been an excellent “bromance” looked promising.  Sadly, instead of an ultimate Humphrey Bogart/Claude Rains moment and future relationship, Gates does a Captain Kirk and sacrifices himself to save Vega.

In terms of double acts, the scenes with the father/son pair, David (Anthony Head) and William (the newly returned Luke Allen-Gale) went beyond the bounds to include one of  blackest comedic moments in the show. After William’s mind was blasted off into left field somewhere (the chap really does seem to believe he is the Chosen One), David’s joy at finding his offspring still alive and preaching has kept him from seeing just how different William is.


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Anthony Head/Luke Gale father/son reunion.

Granted, the two fought constantly when William was in Vega before but now things have definitely taken a turn for the worse, comically so in one instance. The senior Whele is practically weeping as he tells William just how haunted he has been about leaving his son to possibly die. The younger Whele takes his glass, lifts it and sucks noisily from the straw, completely unimpressed and disinterested at David’s confessions.

*Sidenote*It was also telling that when David, actually weeping apparently, hugs his son, William’s face is devoid of any emotion. Later we learn that Whele junior set his father up to be taken. Payback, as they say, is a b*tch…

It is almost impossible to watch that scene and not burst out into surprised laughter. Not just because of the childish act but David’s decision to ignore it and plunge on with his declaration that he will not abandon his son for a third time. (Something he does rather quickly when he leaves and is arrested by Claire and her troops.)

The battle between Claire’s father, General Riesen, and his “inner angel” becomes a lost  cause when Gabriel discovers the secret of Riesen’s strength and Clementine is dispatched in short order, allowing the angel to rule the new Dyad.  Julian is not present for this episode and it is clear that the darkness has consumed Gabriel…or has it?

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General Riesen/Gabriel – Alan Dale/Carl Beukes.

With the news that Lucifer is alive, well and running his puppet,  “The Prophet,” it may just be that it is Lucifer who is pulling Gabriel’s strings. The new Pinocchio version of the Archangel has a fiery hate for his brother Michael and Lucifer is pretty much synonymous with darkness…Connecting the dots makes it seem that the first fallen angel,  aka Michael’s big brother, just might be moving things along.

By the end of the episode, David kills Kat (Lex King), whom William was going to spare, Gates dies, Michael beats the devil at cards, and Gabriel returns to Vega to drop something off. It is also very apparent that Nomes is going to get a new set of wings. (Apparent in the way of your old professor smacking the blackboard with his pointer repeatedly – “Ouch, my absent wings hurt,” not just once but repeatedly. We get it…Noma is going to get wings again.) 

Nomes getting feathered up would be excellent repayment for her casting off of her previous ones. Like Alex, as Michael says to The Prophet, Nomes is “pure of heart”…and completely smitten with the Chosen One, so much so that she stands aside when she sees Claire back in the picture. Noma also expresses real concern and empathy for Alex when she learns of the baby’s death.

Kudos this week go to Roxanne McKee whose character was so improved with the presence of Gates Foley and her reactions to his death. Nic Bishop won the show’s overall award for selflessly dying to save his Lady Riesen and the town of Vega.

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Roxanne McKee as Claire.

Mad props to the writers this week for allowing another “biblical” bet (think Job here and the wager that the Devil and God made about his faith) where Michael plays his big brother at Texas Hold-Em and wins. The Prophet standing in for Lucifer for the game and  the soon-to-be-loser offering to let the Archangel off lightly if he just folds were nice touches indeed.

Hats off to show creator Vaun Wilmott for continuing to make this a fascinating show with rounded characters that we get immediately attached to. Honorable mentions go to  the  director (Millicent Sheltonof this episode, Roxanne McKee was made to look softer and more beautiful (if that is possible, as it is hard to improve on someone already so gorgeous) for those scene where she declares broccoli is her favorite food. 

*Sidenote* One does wonder how many takes that particular line needed…

Dominion airs Thursdays on SyFy. A series of biblical reference that offers some of the best acting onscreen. Do not pass this one by.

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Carl Beukes, Gabriel before the storm…



Dominion: The Seed of Evil (recap and review)

Dominion - Season 2

Last week in Dominion, Claire Riesen shot Zoe right between the eyes. Blaming her for killing her unborn child the Vega leader granted the rebel leader a quick death and this week Lady Riesen learns that she got it wrong. Zoe was unaware of the sniper that David Whele set up and now Lady Riesen feels regret and guilt. In The Seed of Evil, the series finally moves things back to Vega, Julian finally overplays his hand and the town of Mallory takes on added significance.

Arika’s backstory is revealed, at least her beginnings, and Gabriel escapes. Michael is weakened by visions and Noma loses out.  David and William are reunited while Gates Foley proves that he is not just a techie. The rebellion moves forward, because Lady Riesen makes a difficult decision  and Arika has a wild card that has not yet been played.

In New Delphi, Julian gives Gabriel a drop of “darkness” from the amphora, it is placed in the archangel’s eye. The plan is to destroy Gabriel’s  mind allowing Lyrae/Julian to enter the archangel’s body.  Back in Vega, Claire and Gates speak with Arika; who tells her captor that David was responsible for the death of Lady Riesen’s baby and she gives up Whele. After their conversation,  Arika’s backstory is revealed after she tell’s Claire that, like her, she is nothing like her father.

Cue first part of  Arika’s backstory: 20 years previously, Arika is with her father Bobit (Deepak Verma) and they are in their plane. The aircraft is used to provide aid to those who need it and Bobit, her father, turns out to be  a “The ends never justifies the means,” type leader. Without any other information, till later in the episode, already it is apparent that Arika, at least, really is nothing like her father. 

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Arika – Shivani Ghai in The Seed of Evil, proving that this acorn has fallen far from her familial tree.

Whele senior urges the V1’s to fight and they do. He reveals that when he was a V6 he feared that the general populace would rise up. The poor outnumber the rich greatly and even though they do not have the armory weapons at their disposal, David convinces them that just through their sheer numbers Claire Riesen can be defeated.

David heads for shelter at a local bar and Foley’s symptoms get worse. After coughing up more blood, he starts to take a drink and has an epiphany. He remembers Arika paid special attention to the water he drank in her presence.  Gates  knows she has had him poisoned. Michael, Alex and Noma attempt to get into Vega and find that Julian has placed his eight-ball army all around the city.

As the trio walk toward the city’s walls, Alex reaches down to shake one of the eight-balls. The creature does not react and they move on. The shaken eight-ball, like her colleagues, is in stasis, but she does slowly react to Alex’s touch. Roaring, she leaps up and her movement starts the other eight-balls moving as well. Michael, Alex and Noma are under attack.

In the heat of battle, Michael passes out and has a vision of Mallory. Julian continues to work on Gabriel and trying to drive a wedge between him and his brother archangel Michael.

He succeeds.

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A tear of darkness falls…and Julian smears it as he gloats.

Gates challenges Arika about the poisoning. The traitorous leader of Helena bargains with Foley, telling him that  she will give him the antidote if he betrays Claire and Vega. In the bar, David sees William. He pushes forward to see his son and William takes time out from speaking to the masses to have a drink with his father.

As the two men drink, William tells his father that “William is dead” and confesses that he is grateful to his father. “Where,” he asks David, “would Jesus be without Judas?” The offspring that Whele senior left in the Arizona desert to die has slipped into madness after his journey of survival.

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David and William, reunited.

Convinced that he has broken Gabriel’s mind, Julian gloats. He tells the archangel that he has lost Michael and that soon Gabriel will know what darkness really is. After imagining how great it will to have wings again. Lyrae/Julian enters Gabriel’s body.

In the Vega war room, Claire and Gates learn that Arika did indeed sell out her “partner in crime” David Whele. Foley begins coughing again and after telling Claire that he is alright, they share a moment. Lady Riesen tells Gates that one thing will not change and she tenderly kisses him. The alarms go off because of Michael, Alex and Noma fighting the eight-ball army to get over the wall.

Looking at the cameras Claire sees Alex is alive.

The trio make a stand and fight the eight-balls. Back in the war room, Claire orders that troops leave the reactor and help out Alex. Gates realizes that Alex is “her soldier.” Foley leaves the war room and continues coughing up blood. He is reading from a  small book, entering Arika’s room he approaches a plant with red and white flowers. Double-checking his book, Gates grabs a flower and eats it. He then falls over, twitches violently and lays still.

Back at New Delphi, Gabriel spits out Lyrae’s presence forcing it back into Julian. He then controls the Dyad, like a “meat puppet” and he has Julian cut his chains off.  Now free, Gabriel proves, through a little “I’ve been here forever type speech” that arrogance (Julian) is no match for hubris (the now “dark” Gabriel.) The archangel forces Julian to run himself through with his own sword.

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Julian being forced to fall on his own sword by Gabriel.

Back at Vega, Michael, Alex and Noma are rescued by Claire’s troops. The three enter the war room to rapturous applause. Gate pays Arika a visit and tells her that he has cured himself, countering the monkshood with foxglove and that he has talked Claire into moving up Arika’s execution. Arika tells Foley if he thinks she is going to hang, he is mistaken.

Cue another flashback to a much younger Arika losing her father. He dies on the aircraft Helena…Not a bad backstory at all;  it explains where Arika got her coldblooded attitude from and where the name Helena originated.

In Vega, the reactor is taken by Whele’s revolutionary troops. David wants William to go with him to the reactor and sends his temporary sidekick outside. The man bumps into Kat (Lex King) who shoots him when he asks if she is looking for someone. “I’m looking for David Whele,” she tells the man’s corpse, “and you’re in my way.” 

Julian has survived having a sword shoved through his torso and he escapes from New Delhi. Gabriel searches half-heartedly for Julian and decides he needs to kill his “treacherous” brother Michael instead. Grabbing Pete, Alex’s friend that Julian turned into an eight-ball, Gabriel sets off for Vega after learning that the Dyad’s eight-ball army is now his to command.

Claire and Alex reconnect. Riesen admits it was she who bombed the Aerie. She also tells him about losing their baby. Noma is feeling a little hard done by. She lost her wings and Alex, “What do I have,” Nomes asks Michael. “Honor,” Michael tells her. “More than any other angel…” Suddenly the archangel has another vision of Mallory.

Michael collapses.

The final scene in Dominion shows the town of Mallory and the black angel who spoke to Noma earlier. As he walks into the town, people can be heard saying that “It’s the prophet, the prophet has returned.”

Kudos to Carl Beukes who chewed up the scenery as Gabriel, “The Dark.” The archangel has always been  “type ‘A’ personality, but with the added darkness of “God’s wrath” Gabriel is now twice as terrifying. Mad props to Simon Merrells as Julian and Shivani Ghai as Arika and Luke Allen-Gale as the “mad as a box of rocks” William Whele.

Honorable mention goes to Lex King as Kat. Keep your eye on this one, tall, statuesque and overwhelming, this actress is more than impressive. With mere seconds on screen, her character stays in the mind long after her short appearances.

Dominion airs Thursdays on SyFy. This is a great example of a small screen version of a so/so big screen film being made into gold with the right scripts and actors. Do not miss this show.

Dominion: The Longest Mile Home (recap and review)

Dominion - Season 2
After last week’s more “light-hearted” (speaking of The Home Depot scenario here) approach, amidst the Gabriel self-sacrifice play so Michael could escape and help Alex, this week in Dominion; The Longest Mile Home is, in a word, shocking. From the moment we first see that (despite David shooting him in an  earlier episode) William has survived his journey through the wilderness of Arizona and returned to Vega.

This episode has a high body count and the dead includes Zoe, who surprisingly did not die at the Armory although most of her troops did, except for David. It is not just the deaths that surprise however there is  the outcome of certain death faced by General Riesen. There was a brilliant reveal with Riesen where we learn he was not a soldier but a civilian on a military base. When the place is overrun by lower angels turning soldiers into eight-balls he takes the uniform, and identity of Riesen. We also learn that it was on this day  Clementine became an eight-ball.

Michael drops by to save Alex and Noma. Although they may not have needed too much aid as Alex had just chopped off the chainsaw carrying eight-ball’s head with his own saw when the archangel arrived. Later, it looks like  “Father” from Mallory reached out and saved Alex and Nomes as well. Michael finds a number of eight-balls outside the farmhouse where the chosen one and Noma had spent the night. Michael recognizes this type of death from the small town.

Arika is found out, by Gates (he is not a computer/electrical wiz for nothing), and her time is running out. Claire and Gates set up both Zoe and Arika with “mis-information” that the Queen of Helena shared with David. Clementine works on Edward to accept Julian’s offer of becoming a Dyad and immortal. Meanwhile Julian “targets” Gabriel with drugs to control his mind.

Claire and Gates send troops not to take the armory on Zoe’s side of the trench, though they lead Arika to believe that this is the objective.  Instead the agri-tower is the objective and they blow up the rebel’s weapon store killing all but Zoe and David.

William Whele stumbles into a bar and hungrily attacks a peanut snack bowl. As he tells the bartender and the bar’s only other customer who he is, the patron accuses him of lying. Whele leaves and later meets the man in the alley behind the bar, he brutally kills the man and takes his money.

The drugs work on Gabriel who believes that he escapes and then has a sexual trust with Claire Riesen, Noma and Arika. He wakes up still in chains and his chair surrounded by three women and Julian explains his plan. Destroy the archangel’s mind, take it over and then control his body.

After the armory explosion, Zoe is taken captive as is Arika and her retinue (which includes the doctor). Julian tells Edward Riesen that Vega has fallen into civil war and that Claire has lost the baby. He continues to push the Dyad solution to the dying man. “Dyad-ism” says Julian, “you will remain Edward Riesen in every way.”

Off screen, Riesen takes the Dyad deal. Back at Vega, David shows up with his men to fight with Zoe. They wait for troops who never show and when the armory is blown up, Whele leaves Zoe to her fate. Later, Claire goes to see the young rebel leader in her cell. After explaining her disappointment in Zoe for not accepting her moves of peace and her anger that Zoe has forced into a war “without mercy,” Lady Riesen shoots young rebel leader right between the eyes.

William Whele tells a bar full of patrons about his time in the desert and meeting the hand of God. He talks of God saving him from thieves. As he tells his story, Gates has a drink and Arika’s doctor has poisoned Claire’s “right-hand man.” Back at the bar, Whele takes off his shirt revealing a torso full of scars claiming that he is the chosen one who will root out evil from Vega.

Back at New Delphi, Gabriel learns that he cannot control Julian’s eight-balls and he also finds out that his captor has gotten the amphora from General Riesen. Edward has taken the Dyad offer after all.

This episode had some stand out moments some of which were shocking, disturbing and upsetting.

Moments of Note:

The General Riesen backstory: Edward’s humble beginnings are shown. He was a civilian clerk at an Army base who read a lot. His reference to the Sun Tzu Art of War book, “All warfare is based on deception,” is placed right before the actual attack on Zoe’s and David’s troops on their side of the trench. This move is, as mentioned by Riesen in the flashback, total deception. Brilliant.

Dead eight-balls: The burnt eight-balls seen by Michael, Alex and Nomes. The discovery of the bodies happens before the recounting of William Whele’s tale of the six horsemen. Clearly the same Father is responsible, both the Mallory eight-balls and Whele’s thieves are touched by the same hand.

Pistol packing  Lady Riesen: Claire shooting Zoe in the jail cell. A true jaw dropping moment, Zoe had not even stopped talking when Lady Riesen pulls that trigger. (One assumes that Arika will suffer a similar fate very shortly, especially when it is discovered that Gates has been poisoned.)

Dyad-ism: General Riesen choses to become a Dyad. Those eyes…

*Sidenote* William Whele, who was not the most sane of men before his exile, has come back mad as a hatter. Clearly his time with the eight-balls has driven him even further into la-la land.

The end of the episode has Gabriel looking in horror at the amphora in Julian’s hand and one is left wondering if Vega is doomed. The gunfighter angel (in last week’s episode) tells Noma to take Alex to the east, does this mean that Vega will not be saved? Is Gates doomed as well? That looked suspiciously like blood on that napkin (a sort of Takashi Miike touch a’la Fudoh: The New Generation without the gallons of claret gushing but enough to make the connection.).

Anthony Head is brilliant as the scheming Whele senior and the return of Luke Allen-Gale as his estranged son William was an excellent move to have the double act back, as the father/son duo with the love/hate relationship. Alan Dale stood out as the dying Riesen and Roxanne McKee rocked as Claire Riesen in this episode. Sadly, it looks like Nic Bishop may be leaving the show, time will tell whether his character caught the poison quickly enough. Kudos to Carl Beukes as Gabriel, his archangel’s lines were pithy and very spot on this week.

Dominion airs Thursdays on SyFy, do not miss this epic battle between good and evil and all things in-between.

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