Death in Paradise: Eps3 (Review)

Death In Paradise s12,06-01-2023,Generics,Generics,(L-R) Darlene Curtis (GINNY HOLDER), Marlon Pryce (TAHJ MILES), DI Neville Parker (RALF LITTLE), Naomi Thomas (SHANTOL JACKSON), Commisioner Selwyn Patterson (DON WARRINGTON), Catherine Bordey (ELIZABETH BOURGINE),Red Planet Pictures,Denis Guyenon

The second episode of Death in Paradise or episode 3, follows a familiar pattern. It kills off the guest star in a matter of moments. Haley Mills, played philanthropist extraoenaire Nancy Martin, and she is offed with a knitting needle.

This Death in Paradise felt very Colonel Mustard with the pipe wrench, in the library. Despite this Clue feel, the murder and the back story leading up to it were quite clever.

Nancy Martin, Mills, runs a charity. Her funding, never questioned, comes from purloined activity; 5 million pounds sterling. Martin, a full time resident of a nursing home, lives for bingo. It is during this game of chance that she dies.

the usual suspects

The list of suspects in this episode is not long. This allows time for the commissioner to be released from hospital. He refuses to take it easy and this enables a little comedy to make its way into an otherwise humourless episode.

Just as last week’s offering, Death in Paradise feels forced, lacking its general good humour. Granted, there have been quite serious episodes in the past. DS Cassell, Joséphine Jobert, being shot was very intense. This two-parter ended with Cassell leaving the island.

Episode 3 of Death in Paradise suffers from the same malaise as the previous one. The formula, though, is still the same familiar one we have grown to love.


Despite dealing with murder in each episode, the show does not “feel” happy? DI Parker rounds up the suspects. This moment contained about the only real humorous moment in the show. DS Thomas seems really pleased about the idea of getting all the usual suspects together.

The only real suspects are Martin’s daughter, Oona and her old assistant Philippe Varane. There is a marvelous misdirect halfway through. This suitably muddies the water.

Mystery is Murder

To be fair, this week’s murder was a puzzler. it took the entire episode of Death in Paradise to work it out. Regardless of this “plus” the show still exudes a Debbie Downer vibe. This show has an excellent track record. Mystery may well be murder, but nothing like the demise of what has always made this show special.

Bonus points to the plot of the show though. The murder weapon was also a fine touch. However, Death in Paradise needs to get back that whimsical touch that makes it so endearing.

The show is streaming on BritBox. Check it out. It is a binge worthy series.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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