Star Wars Jabba the Hutt and He-Man

Star Wars Jabba the Hutt and He-Man

With all the big news about the next Star Wars installment being rewritten by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, it made sense to have a look at the force and see what other things about the franchise might be of interest. Oddly enough, a few things did pop up. Namely, Jabba the Hut and He-Man.

Gilbert Taylor Legendary British Star Wars Cinematographer Dies

Gilbert Taylor Legendary British Star Wars Cinematographer Dies

Gilbert Taylor, the legendary British cinematographer best known for his work on such films as Star Wars; the 1976 film The Omen; and Dr Strangelove has died at the age of 99. Taylor’s wife Dee told the BBC that he had died on Friday.

Linda Ronstadt Silenced by Parkinson’s Disease

Linda Ronstadt Silenced by Parkinson’s Disease

George Lucas Marries Mellody Hobson

George Lucas Marries Mellody Hobson

Steven Spielberg and Halo

Steven Spielberg and Halo

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