Conjoined Twins Reality TV Show?

Reality Television
Reality Television (Photo credit: badjonni)

So Abby and Brittany Hensel are getting their own Reality TV Show on TLC. In case you missed the short video on Huff Entertainment, TLC is the Channel that also features 19 Kids and Counting and the channel doesn’t really strike me as producers of ‘quality’ television.

Am I the only person in the world who feels like this is the 21st century version of the old fairground freak show?

With the deepest of respect to both Abby and Brittany who, I am sure, have felt like the world has been staring at them for years; I don’t feel like this is either a good idea or tasteful television.

Okay, they will be making money from this venture to be sure and I can’t think of anyone who would turn that down. But a Reality TV show, really??

Of course folks are ‘snake fascinated’ by the spectacle of these girls who share the same body. One controls the right, the other the left. I am also sure that their lives have been very interesting.

I know from the video that both girls seem well adjusted and happy to be taking part in this business venture. Because that is what it really is, business. I can imagine both TLC and the shows ‘new’ sponsors rubbing their hands together gleefully at the anticipation of viewers that this program will get.

But, if you’ll pardon the pun, the reality is that this program should really have been a ‘one off’ to show how well the twins have adjusted to, what must be, a nigh on impossible life style.

I cannot begin to even try to imagine what life must be like having another ‘head’ conjoined to my body. One that has it’s own working brain, personality, opinions and, God help us, bad breath.

Ludicrous, but, you would have to have such a good sense of humour and an almost inhuman ability to laugh at yourself, or selves I suppose. So yes, it is fascinating to see how the twins have coped and how they have grown to accept their situation.

I can imagine, again, what the shows producers were thinking. I mean how do you cope with dating? If one of you completely dislikes or cannot stand one twins choice how does that resolve itself. I cannot begin to think of how the reality of the birds and bees could be worked into the equation!

Sure it’s fascinating television but it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I am sure that the older folks out there can remember the big jar with the ‘corpse’ of the two headed baby that was displayed in the ‘Freak Show‘ tent. Along with the Frozen Ice Man and the Bearded Lady, the Human Skeleton and the Pin Head. For the price of about half-a-buck you could go in and stare at the unfortunate people who made up the exhibit.

I can only assume that TLC is looking at the show as an addition to the one-off programs that feature unfortunate people from all over the world. Yesteryears JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy is now the boy who is covered in hair.

But despite the lovely window dressing of politically correct phrasing, the end result is the same.

Someone who doesn’t fit into ‘normal’ life is trotted out and displayed. Some folks will watch because, truth be told, it is fascinating. Some will watch to laugh and make fun of the twins. A lot of people will only watch the ‘pilot’ and never tune in again.

It would be nice to think that in this day and age, people would not be fooled by the trappings of a reality TV program that is in reality a travesty. I hope that the twins make a good sum of money from this cynical venture and can live their lives as they see fit.

In the meantime, I’m waiting for the next Reality TV Program to come up with an even more distasteful theme.

So what do you think? Have a look at the trailer here:

Abby and Brittany Hensel

Do you feel that this is ‘tasteless’ TV or do you think that it is harmless entertainment?

Like I said earlier, this leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, not too dissimilar to how I felt after watching The Elephant Man.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

3 thoughts on “Conjoined Twins Reality TV Show?”

  1. A curiosity like this would no doubt work best as a short one-off or documentary, definitely agree with you there and I’d glad get on a similar high horse.

  2. Well, like I said, I have no real problem with a “one off” program, I mean they have those all the time. I just can’t really get into the whole ‘reality’ scene when I know that the vast majority are following scripts. Still, I could be getting on my high horse for no reason… 🙂

  3. I’m ashamed to say…I would still watch it.
    It is a bit tasteless, like all reality TV, but if we aren’t supposed to be pointing and laughing at them (the jury is still out for that) then it could be a really interesting look at their lives. As long as it doesn’t devolve into canned scenarios for the sake of TV…

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