Nobody is Crazy: World Cinema Treat

All images courtesy of Federico J Arioni.

Nobody is Crazy is an award winning world cinema treat from Argentina. Writer/director/editor and actor Federico J. Arioni gives us a paradoxical tale that could almost be seen as a Schrodinger’s Cat moment. Arioni also plays “Nobody” in the film.

However, Nobody is Crazy is really a quantum theory experience that deals specifically with time travel. Although this travelling story is a combination of love story, living with mental illness, and growing up.


A young man (Rafael; played by Manuel Gutierrez) suffers from OCD. He is an orphan, adopted by new parents who then divorce. Rafael lives with his mother.She is desperately trying to get Rafael to deal with his OCD. Rather than attend school, Rafael is being farmed out to different psychologists. The last one the boy sees suggests attending a support group. It is at this setting that he meets Nobody.

Nobody is a self proclaimed time traveler. The two hit it off and Rafael has found a new friend.

Nobody and Rafael

Rafael starts ditching the support group sessions. He meets instead with his newfound friend and they spend a lot of time together. As they move around the city, they meet Daria. The young woman is rollerblading and she is drawn to the two young men. They start hanging out together.

Quantum physics

Nobody is Crazy is an absorbing film. As it was filmed in Argentina, it uses subtitles to translate what the characters are saying. This does not distract from the story. Rafael narrates the film. From the very start, he tells the viewer that something is going to happen. If it does not then he himself is crazy,

He tells the story from his point of view. This is a dialogue heavy film. From Rafael’s constant narration, to the interaction between the three main protagonists, all the characters have a lot to say. It is, however, necessary for the tale being told. Everyone gets to tell their story,after a fashion, even Rafael’s mother.

Rafael and his mother

time travel

Nobody tells Rafael that there is no time travel machine. He vaguely explains how he is able to travel in time. This entire film is reminiscent of Looper and its very short take on time travel.

*Older Joe: I don’t want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we’re going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.*

We do not need to know the mechanics behind Nobody moving in time. He mentions a mute man with an unlit cigarette. Is this a McGuffin? Quite probably. The entire plot device, about traveling through time, could well fit this trope. But it feels off balance and a little trite, to write off Nobody’s mute man as a misleading plot device.

There are things never dreamt of

There is a splendid twist to this film. Arioni sneaks up to the finale of Nobody is Crazy. There are little hints as to the outcome, but, this does not get in the way. Indeed, it helps keep us a little off balance. As we balance possible scenarios, the film keeps us guessing, almost to the very end.

Arioni is splendid as the mask wearing stranger who enters Rafael’s life. His time travelling character is fun, mysterious and compelling. Gutierrez is spot on as the teen with so much on his metaphorical plate. Wheeler does a great job in her first role as Daria. This trio, when they are together, manage to entertain.

Wrap up and trailer

Nobody is Crazy is an award winning film. Watching the film, it is easy to see why. Cinematographer Jonatan Robledo makes each frame a luscious feast for the eyes. Arioni edits the film with panache and the rest of the crew outdo themselves. The subtitles will bother those who have issues with world cinema not “dubbed.” However, the delivery of the actors make the subtitles almost superfluous.

Have a look at the trailer and then catch this film. Nobody is Crazy has finished its worldwide festival run. It is available on Tubi and for those who despise commercials, it can be rented or purchased on Amazon.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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