Death and Other Details: Tragic New Body Count

Death and Other Details: Tragic New Body Count

This week on Death and Other Details: Tragic there is a new body count. It is all about widespread blackmail, two new deaths and the “C-Word.”The episode starts with Imogene and Sunil finishing what they started in that launch. The newly formed couple are clearly having a blast.

Meanwhile, Rufus, Teddy and Leila workout just how big Viktor Sams’ network really is in terms of scope. The trio of sleuths work out that Sunil has to be working for Sams. Cotesworth immediately starts calling Imogene on her mobile phone.

It goes to voicemail.

Odd Couples

Jules and Winnie talk about “changing the world.” Winnie reveals that she is “part of something.” During the conversation with the former head of security, Winnie learns that she killed an innocent.

Tripp and his sister Anna do Karaoke (Sail Away) and we are treated to Llewellyn and Hilde’s “date.” The interpol agent sets fire to Llewellyn’s chest as part of her dominatrix foreplay.

Leila and Teddy are in the server area. Anna’s soon to be ex-wife is breaking the system code. Celia warns Eleanor not to let her guard down as they still have much to do. Sunil hears from Sams.

Rufus and Imogene brace Sunil and force him to tell all.


As the two take Sunil back to his face-to-face meeting with Sams’ go between; the man who followed them in the previous episode, they interact with the memory.

Imogene is outraged at Sunil’s deception. Their burgeoning romance is now a tragic casualty of reality. The cruise ship owner is now a new source of information about Viltor Sams. If Rufus and Imogene can count on him telling the truth.

Sunil relives finding Danny’s body in 534. Imogene ties him to a chair. Anna and Tripp continue to bolster each other’s spirits.

Murder again

Llewellyn goes topside and tells the Priest about the takeover. He reveals that he now takes his orders from Shanghai. The Governor retrieves the evidence against Lawrence Collier. She takes it to Agent Eriksen. Hilde opens the folder and the pages are blank. The governor starts coughing up blood and dies.

The blackmailed politician has been poisoned. Rufus and Imogene inspect the dead Governor. Imogene realizes that the intravenous vitamin treatments deckside is the culprit here. Rufus declares that Alexandra has been dead three days, “She just didn’t know it.”

Minnie provides her backstory. She became a follower of Sams after her best friend died. She still believes there is a reason for Danny’s death.

Anna and Imogene have a confrontation. Imogene calls Anna out for the factory (Responsible for Minnie’s mate’s death.) and she retaliates by calling Imogene a thief and the “C” word.

Mrs Collier complains about the ship not mooring. Hilde tells her that she needs to speak with her husband; Lawrence. He is nowhere to be seen. Is this another victim to add to the new body count?

The priest asks Hilde if she will pray with them. The agent reveals that she is not a believer. She tells the father that he should pray for no one else to be killed. He muses on a prayer against murder. “Can’t hurt,” he replies.

Power to the cruise ship goes out. As does the wifi. Sams’ servers are now inaccessible.

details matter

Llewellyn falls to his death off the ship, yet another new addition to the body count. Before he goes, the Collier family lawyer sneers at the world’s greatest detective, “It was right in front of you and you missed it.” He calls Rufus a “hack.”

Rufus then reveals the truth behind the myth. The case that earned him the moniker of “WGD” was a lie. The details, in the first crime he investigated, show it was never a matter of detection at all. Just dumb luck. Rufus always deferred that title with the offhand remark, (sic) “That’s what they call me.” We find details really do matter after his own backstory comes to light.

The world’s greatest detective was, according to Rufus, all bluff. He tells Imogene that his bluff was called when he investigated her mother’s death.

All the rest

Thus far, Death and Other Details is keeping its tongue in cheek delivery. It dances warily into dark comedy and then steps quickly back from that abyss. This week’s episode “Tragic” is just that. Everything is coming unravelled here.

Imogene’s quick foray into all things Sunil, ends very badly. Anna and Leila,with their ups and downs, will soon become an “ex” couple after Anna is shown making love with her ex. Leila learns of this infidelity via Sams’ blackmail files.

The governor, AKA the politician, dies an elongated and horrible death. The poor woman starts coughing as she takes out her “proof.” Llewellyn is in agony after his BDSM date with the Interpol agent. His self inflicted death, (Death by cruise ship?) helps to bring this dark episode to an end.

Episode six of this murder mystery shows a lot of players removing their masks. Winne, despite learning of Sams’ treacherous intel, still believes her murder of Danny to be justified. Rufus reveals that his own mask hid a gambling alcoholic. The list could go on. So far though only Jules and Imogene remain unchanged.

The former head of security really is an altruistic chap out to help others. While Imogene still wants to find her mother’s murderer.

In case you have forgotten who all the players are in this little “homage” to all things Christie, check out the Hulu promo trailer below.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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