Live Health (2021): Retro Review

Live Health (2021) Retro Review! A film from the mind of Timothy J Cox . He and Jamie Barlow directed this nine minute short. The film takes place, and was created, during the pandemic. A time that shook the world’s populace to the core.

As folks know already, necessity was the mother of invention during that time of social distancing and facemasks. A time of Zoom meetings, public closures and an elimination of “face to face” contact. Dr Peter Marcus is a therapist who rises to the occasion.

Therapy must continue. He opts to go with “online” sessions with his patients. Live health takes on a different meeting when they take place over a computer screen. He meets with each patient (Client?) throughout the day. Each one trying to make the best of this then awkward situation.

Live Health (2021) Retro Review

Live Health stars Cox as Dr. Marcus a therapist who is struggling to connect with his charges. Each one have issues that have not disappeared along with their personal freedom. His every move, bearing and expression show his attempts to overcome this personal barrier.

The short film also stars Nancy Kellogg Gray, Bob Rutan, Heidi Swarthout, Becca Robinson and Matthew Harris. Each stand out in their limited “on-screen” appearances. Rutan, as Lincoln, is particularly noteworthy. After observing his character’s session, we worry about his live health, or conversely, his partners.

As much as Lincoln clearly has problems, so too does Dr Marcus. He attempts to connect long distance and it is clearly taking a toll on him. It also affects his patients.

Live Health looks brilliant. It is tightly shot and edited with a panache that lends to this disturbing setting. It may well be an ultimately sad film, but the care and skill putting it together make it a “must watch.”

Mike’s Film Talk gives this short film a full 4 stars.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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