Heroes Reborn: The Lion’s Den (Recap & Review)

Heroes Reborn - Season 1

Things continue to escalate as the paths of the main “evos” move toward a nexus where all will have a part to play in saving the planet. Just from what, exactly this series’ big bad is, was revealed; some sort of solar flare about to turn the entire planet into ash and kill off around 90 percent of the populace. Pretty intense stuff and the whole thing explains just why Renautas leader Erica Kravid is so coldly intent upon draining evolved humans.

Tommy finds out that he is adopted and the penny chap saves the kid from the first line of Renautas with a timely intervention and a “penny for your thoughts.” Ren and Miko track the Kensei sword to Erica’s house and during a stand off between Noah, Quentin and Taylor and Kravid’s muscle Harris Prime, times two the Katana Girl regains control of the weapon. Immediately after, she heads back into the video game to save her father. Ren, sets up to help.

Malina loses her Muslim mentor and meets The Shadow while  Captain Dearing, after taking Jose and Father Mauricio, ends up getting arrested by his own men when the new, slightly less effective, EPIC glasses show him to be an evo. Luke Collins goes home and literally burns his bridges.

Carlos “El Vengador 2.0” rescues Dearing from his men and puts him in the Vengador vehicle trunk.  Luke Collins (Zachary Levisells his practice and after tearfully watching some home videos of he and son Dennis, sets the whole place on fire and leaves.

Malina and Farah meet one of the Harris Prime clones and discover that the new glasses reveal Nazan when she disappears. Later we learn, along with the two evos just what The Shadow can do. Emitting long dark tendrils from his hands, this  new evo can prevent other evolved humans for using their power.

Farah is shot and her charge has to flee. Nazan  gives Malina an envelope with information and the girl hides on a logging truck to escape the area. One interesting note, when Prime speaks with Nazan initially, he asks about “the baby.” Whether this is meant to be Malina, or perhaps a baby she is meant to be having, is not clear.

The stand out moment of the Heroes Reborn this week was Miko Otomo leaping through a wall to ceiling window panel and grabbing the Kensei Sword from its holder. Harris points his gun at the girl and orders her to return it, “Now.” She grins and pulls the sword from its scabbard and disappears as Quentin Frady smashes a vase into Harris’s head knocking him out.

Tommy learns of Mr Penny’s existence  and that he has been protecting him from Renautas. The man tells the boy that he is too important and that his destiny is to help save the world. Tommy’s response is to teleport from his mother’s hospital room.

Back at Renautas, Erica learns that a coronal mass ejection of solar radiation is due to hit the planet in a week. This catastrophe is apparently what Malina and Tommy are meant to save the world from while Kravid believes she is the savior of humanity.

It is not apparent just yet where The Shadow will fit in and just what connection Miko or El Vengador’s nephew will have in saving the world but their paths are converging and it remains to be seen whether the tendril waving evo is Collins’ son or someone else.

Tim Kring has delivered a great “sequel” to his original show with a whole new set of evolved humans and despite the fragmented format of the show, each evo getting a short period of time on screen, the characters are appealing and interesting. Noah Bennet Jack Coleman) bridges the two shows, the original and the new one, very well.

Heroes Reborn airs Thursdays on NBC, do not miss this show, tune in and  follow what Katana Girl is up to with her trusty new sidekick Ren if the main storyline does not interest you, any character that can enter a video game world at will is killer.


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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

2 thoughts on “Heroes Reborn: The Lion’s Den (Recap & Review)”

  1. Hey! Thanks for that! I was guessing that there had to be a connection between Collins’ boy. Obviously reading a little too much into the whole dynamic… Cheers matey! 🙂

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