Patricia Arquette Kicks the Hornet Nest of Equality

Patricia Arquette in Boyhood

Patricia Arquette kicked the hornet nest of equality at the Oscar ceremony during, and after her acceptance speech. Inadvertently, she also released a storm of controversy over her calls to minority and the LGBT community to join her glorious fight. This call to arms then sparked a row over just how racist the Academy Awards ceremony was on Sunday, “Did you see how many white people won?”

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

4 thoughts on “Patricia Arquette Kicks the Hornet Nest of Equality”

  1. Garry gets annoyed when these young punks think the Oscars are their personal bully pulpit. He wants them to say thanks, then shut up and sit down. He has a point 🙂

  2. I agree! Amazing how quickly her request for equality became a free for all for all groups with a nit to pick!

  3. Young and pretty. Whatever color, that’s what Hollywood really loves. Pretty people THIN people. Young people. This was a very white year, but some years have been all colors. I don’t think there was any collusion involved.

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