Travelling Writers? What the Fudge??

Travel Guides
Travel Guides (Photo credit: Vanessa (EY))

I keep finding these blogs on the net by ‘travelling writers‘ and it’s making me a bit sour. Well jealous to be more exact and also a little  puzzled. It appears that all these travelling scribes are being paid for their jaunts. It also appears that they are making a living from it.

What a glorious job! I can’t even begin to imagine how something like that falls in your lap. Or conversely, how you even find employment like that. I don’t mind admitting that I would have killed (or come to think of it, I would kill in the present tense) for a position like that.

I am assuming the the post holders of these globe trotting writers are of the college educated, “I’ve got a degree in journalism, Literature and  English,” variety. They also appear to be quite young. (Trust me I am not ageist, it”s just that at my age anyone under 35 is young in my book.) I’m also a bit confused about how these folks get remunerated for their efforts.

I rather naively thought that everyone who blogged regularly was a lot like me. I don’t mean older with thinning hair and an expanding waist-line, I mean writers who had deserted their passion for the pen and pencil and were trying to come back to their abandoned love. I blog in order to free up my mind and see if I can still string more than two words together in a sentence and not wind up sounding like a jackass.

It has taken me two wives (and two divorces) two children, too many years away from my birth country and too long pissing about with things of no real consequence to realise that I never should have stopped writing. Funny how everything in this ‘literal’ direction of my life falls into the ‘two’ or ‘too’ category.

It took an injury at work to make me realise that I needed to spend my ‘off-duty’ time doing something more creative. I knew that acting was out of the question. I haven’t practised the craft in so long, that I think I’d be hard pressed to remember a single line, let alone blocking and camera angles.  Then there’s the question of scheduling. I don’t think that my ‘9-5’ job would like my ‘hobby’ encroaching on their turf.

So writing seems to be the answer. It was always my first love anyway. I just sort of forgot how to do it.

I retrieved my anciently old ‘Mike’s Writing‘  file folder out of the attic, blew the dust and cobwebs off it and looked at it’s contents. A random collection of short stories, news articles (yes I was published a few times long, long ago, but it was for a USAF newspaper and it didn’t pay squat), and a screenplay that I kept ‘tweaking’ until my tweaking time ran out.

Holding these written antiquities in my hands, I marvelled at how long it had actually been since I had put a blank bit of paper in front of me to fill with ideas and stories. Okay, romanticism aside, I also couldn’t remember the last time I’d sat in front of a black computer screen either. But looking at those old abandoned relics of my imagination, gave me a little buzz of excitement.

I remembered how I felt when I’d written them and then done some superficial editing and read the stories back. I also remembered letting a very small amount of people I trusted read them to see what they thought. Feedback had been good. I also remember not being able to afford the money needed to send manuscripts through the post to publishers who might or might not like my work.

These days, it seems much easier with the new e-books and kindle and their respective counterparts. So  I’ll try it this ‘new’ way and see if anyone else would like to read the fruits of my latest labours. Well, read them when I’ve finished labouring over them.

So here I am, wondering how on earth one becomes a travelling writer and how well it pays.  Not that I’m in the market of course, it’s just that I’d like to know just how jealous of them I need to be.

In the meantime, does anyone know of any job openings?

Writing boxes
Writing boxes (Photo credit: practicalowl)

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

2 thoughts on “Travelling Writers? What the Fudge??”

  1. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. And yeah, definitely wanting to be one of those ‘travelling writers’ who traverse the far reaches of the globe and apparently get paid to do so! 🙂

  2. I loved this, Mike. I’ve been writing myself for many years, and am still chugging along. It’s definitely tough sometimes, especially when novels and things are involved. Even more so if it’s your first real outing, and you’re looking to get into the film/game industry. That’s really awesome that you’ve dug out your old work and given it a look over. As I’ve said in the past, between both you and Meg, and your review channels and blogs, you’ve shown a lot of passion and talent for what you each do, and what you each want to do. Your reviews are great, and your personal adventures are charming and comical. I really look forward to your book; no lip service here. It’s also really cool to see that Meg is taking some time for her writing as well. It’s kind of what I do full-time myself, and to see you both working so diligently is inspiring. I’d love to read some of these old stories of yours sometime. Maybe one day you’ll put up a few! 🙂 By the way, I’m in complete agreement about the ‘traveling and getting paid to write about it’ bit! Where DO you sign up for something like that? Lol

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