Chance: A still Point in the Turning World – D (Recap/Review)

Hugh Laurie as Eldon Chance

In Chance this week Eldon steps up his surveillance on Blackstone and he pays the price for following Jaclyn and her husband into the furniture store. “A Still Point in the Turning World” has D explaining how to pump things up after he and Chance watch the dirty cop setting up his own brothel in last week’s episode.

After the two men separate Blackstone jumps Chance in the parking garage at his place of business. He gives the doctor a beating and tells him this will be the last time they talk.  As Blackstone stalks off he smashes Eldon’s smart phone with his foot.

Jean-Baptiste comes over to check on Eldon. He suggests calling the police and Chance responds that his attacker was a cop.

Eldon goes to his office and he realizes that Raymond Blackstone had been snooping in there as well.  Chance calls D and tell him they need to step things up in their surveillance of the cop. D replies that he likes Chance’s enthusiasm.

As Chance goes to leave he sees Detective Hynes in the foyer of his office. Before he can beat a hasty retreat the cop spies him. They go into Eldon’s office to talk.

Hynes wants to know why Chance wanted to look at the crime scene photos of Myra; the psychiatrist who died because she tried to help Jaclyn. The homicide detective is hoping that Chance can provide him with a lead. Eldon clearly believes that Hynes has some connection to Blackstone.

After the short meeting, Chance goes to pick up his daughter from school. He sees Nicole with a boy and asks his name.  She says, “Dad.” Eldon responds that it is a terrible name and  it will cause confusion.  (The only real attempt at levity in the episode.)

Jaclyn stops by Eldon’s place and they talk outside his building.  He reveals that Raymond paid him a visit.  They carry on their conversation inside and Nicole comes in. Jaclyn gives Chance’s daughter her scarf.

Eldon learns that Raymond is close to retirement and he tells Jaclyn that Suzanne Silver had her tires slashed and money stolen from her apartment. Before she leaves Jaclyn reveals that she knows what Jacky, her other personalty, does. She remembers it all.

Chance learns from Nicole that Jaclyn has been in his building before.  She tells her dad that Jaclyn likes him, “I can tell.”

D and Eldon meet at the antique workshop. D packs his backpack for their mission.  The two men scope out where they believe Blackstone has put his new brothel.

As the two men watch the front of Blackstone’s place, Eldon asks D if he knows of The Blue Angel or Marlene Dietrich. D says no and Chance goes on to talk of both.

Herein lies the walking dichotomy that is D. A man whose communication skills appear to be geared toward the lowest common denominator.  Not quite a “deze and doze” kind of guy but close. D seems to be on the low end of the educational scale.


He is a man who reads…a lot. D always carries a book and, somewhat surprisingly, quotes T.S Eliot.  This episode’s title “A still Point in the Turning World” is used in a conversation with Chance by D. The line comes from Eliot’s poem Burnt Norton.

D may seem like a thinking man’s Cro-Magnon  but there are depths to him.  The big man is brutal, no mistake about that, but he is also intelligent and crafty.

After they confirm the building they have been watching is Blackstone’s they go around back and see the cop. D sets up how the evening will go. Eldon is to park his car at the park and wait for D.

Chance reluctantly acts as D’s wheelman. While he waits impatiently, he reads his own book. D returns, he is sweaty and slightly out of breath. He tells Eldon that the mission was compromised and they need to leave immediately.

Eldon is flustered and becomes more unfocused when D says he did not kill Blackstone, or at least he thinks he has not.  Rattled,  Chance pull out in front of two cars. One misses their vehicle and the other one runs into the two men’s car.

As in anything like this, the best laid plans have come unstuck. The idea behind the park was that the two could escape the area unnoticed.  D has the information they wanted but Blackstone discovered D in his car, apparently, and the big man took the detective down.

Both men are in Eldon’s car when it collides with the other vehicle and the screen goes black.

Chance keeps getting better and better. Laurie’s character is becoming darker and it seems that he may actually turn violent at one point, after being tutored by D of course.

The series airs Tuesdays on Hulu. Tune in and see where this dark thriller heads next.


Guest starring Sal Lopez as Jean-Babtiste.

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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