Bill Cosby: Latest Celebrity Found Guilty by the Internet

Bill Cosby: Latest Celebrity Found Guilty by the Internet

2014 has been a year of celebrity “dirt” being strewn across the Internet and Bill Cosby is the latest to be found guilty by the web. Acting as judge, jury and potential executioner, the death of Cliff Huxtable has taken over the Internet. The 77 year old entertainment icon has had old allegations of sexual abuse, rape and administering drugged drinks to a number of victims resurface recently and the hype it has generated appears to be gaining momentum daily, if not hourly.

Paula Deen Serves Recipe of Tears and Thanks on TV

Paula Deen Serves Recipe of Tears and Thanks on TV

Paula Deen made her first public appearance in front of TV cameras in Houston, Texas after a three month absence and she served up a special menu of tears and thanks to the audience. She played to the crowd during the live coverage of a cooking demo put on by the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertainment Show.

Paula Deen Hollow Victory

Paula Deen Hollow Victory

Paula Deen the Irony of Winning

Paula Deen the Irony of Winning

Paula Deen and her long list of sponsors who have jumped ship.

Paula Deen and her long list of sponsors who have jumped ship.