The Walking Dead: Inmates All Roads Lead to Terminus

The Walking Dead: Inmates All Roads Lead to Terminus

Episode 10 of season 4 The Walking Dead: Inmates seems to be saying that all roads may lead to Terminus. The “safe haven” promised at the end of the railroad track has a fairly ominous sounding name. Although the real meaning of the word began with the Latin term for boundaries and the God Terminus who ruled over same. It can also mean the end of something, like the final stop at journey’s end, or in everyday usage, a bus terminal. It is, perhaps, the saying or reading of the word that makes it seem less than hopeful. Terminus does sound pretty close to terminal, which also has various meanings; deadly being one of them.


The Walking Dead Season Four Episode Three Isolation One is the Loneliest Number

The Walking Dead Season Four Episode Three Isolation One is the Loneliest Number

The Walking Dead season four, episode three is titled Isolation. It could have been called “One is the Loneliest Number.” While the title seems to be referencing the isolation that our survivors are having to endure to keep the flu from spreading, it also means the conditions that the group are living in