Cassie Chapman Exclusive Interview: Hooters Marriage and Nashville Wives

Cassie Chapman Exclusive Interview: Hooters Marriage and Nashville Wives

Cassie Chapman, one of the stars of TNT’s Private Lives of Nashville Wives, former Hooter girl and Gary Chapman’s wife, gave Michael Smith, from the Guardian Liberty Voice, an exclusive interview where she talked about marriage and other things. After several attempts to get together with Cassie, we finally met while she and Gary were in Las Vegas for her induction into the Hooters’ Hall of Fame.

Private Lives of Nashville Wives Episode 8: Confrontation & Resolution

Private Lives of Nashville Wives Episode 8: Confrontation & Resolution

After last week’s episode left a huge divide between Jenny and the rest of the wives, sans Sarah, episode 8 of Private Lives of Nashville Wives consisted of a confrontation and resolution between the ladies and the start of a new beginning. Having said that, it is doubtful whether or not the type A Jennifer will be able to maintain the peace required. Not because she’s too pushy, although that is part of the problem, but being pregnant, those motherly hormones will be all over the place. She’s already exhibited enough prickly behaviour to make the likelihood of a truce lasting very long fairly problematic.

Private Lives of Nashville Wives: Fun Sponge – Disappointment and Joy (Review)

Private Lives of Nashville Wives: Fun Sponge – Disappointment and Joy (Review)

The second episode of Private Lives of Nashville Wives titled Fun Sponge zeroes in on two of the wives and their dreams as well as one wife’s struggle to fit in; the show’s theme this week is all about disappointment and joy. Erika, Cassie and Sarah are the main focus of this week’s episode beginning with ex-soap star Erika Page White and the audience learn a bit more than they want to about what happens in the bedroom between her and her husband, Bryan. Although, it has to be said it is heartwarming to see such a patriotic couple.