All God’s Chillun Got Guns or Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

alamo (Photo credit: j3net)

Since the Aurora shooting (I’m refusing to refer to it by the press moniker of ‘Midnight Shootings) the nation has been up in arms (pun intended) about the issue of gun control and certain rabid liberals who just want to take away every American‘s firearms.

It is the ‘woolly headed’ thinking of these liberal ‘peace-niks’ that drives me to distraction. These are the same sort of people who instilled a deep-seated phobia about firearms and their place in modern society in the United Kingdom. And the argument that the constitution’s assertion that American’s have the right to own and use firearms for their own “self defence” is not really a right is ridiculous.

The Supreme Court upheld the notion that the constitution did guarantee American’s the right to own and use firearms in 2008. With the government’s overt and not so overt (Can you say Fast & Furious, kids? I knew you could) opposition to individuals having access to guns and their determination to control every honest citizens ability to use guns, I think we are in for yet another fight.

The government need to read more history. American history. I won’t go as far back as the War of Independence that we would not have had a chance in if it weren’t for private citizens and their guns.

No, in terms of history I will just say three words. Remember the Alamo.

Every American remembers the legend and the myth of the Alamo’s desperate last stand against the military might of the Mexican government. But has everyone forgotten what helped start Texas (that was part of Mexico) in their move to rebel against the government?

Gun control.

The Mexican government decided to put into practise a gun control law that prohibited citizens owning their own firearms. Admittedly this was in a time when the gun was necessary to these ‘homesteaders’ for personal protection in  a time when the Apache and other sundry tribes were still preying on these intruding white people.

The attempted confiscation of arms and the punitive measures taken against the ‘law breakers’ started what would soon escalate into a full scale military event that would see Mexico lose a part of their own country. And it all started with a sense of moral outrage felt by the Americans who were told to give up their guns

That that sense of moral outrage and entitlement has not gone away. The country itself may be more ‘civilised’ and we might have more law and order with a modern police force to help keep things ‘safe.’ But the police themselves admit that they are not in a position to provide protection for the average citizen.

The police are, by the very nature of their job, an ‘after-the-fact’ organisation. They arrive at the crime scene after the fact. Just the phrase ‘crime scene’ proves that the actual crime has already occurred. The police have stated that a well armed, well trained citizen can provide better protection for themselves than they, the police, can.

In case you missed it, the most important part of the above paragraph was the “well armed, well trained” bit. Instead of wasting everyone’s time trying to set up a legislation that, like the United Kingdom, will only allow the police and criminals to be armed, they should instead set up a program that requires gun owners be educated.

Proper lessons for new gun owners or for existing owners a requirement to prove they know how, why and when to properly use a gun. Whether it’s for hunting or self defense, a little education could go a long way. It’s been proven time and again that the current system is not capable of stopping the world’s nutters buying guns and using them on innocent people.

I’m not advocating turning American streets into a variation of the O.K. Corral with shoot-outs at noon, but I am saying we need to be very careful in disarming honest citizens. Because I can tell you, the next step will be losing your right to defend yourself or your family at all.

I’ve lived in the United Kingdom off and on from 1982 to 1990 and after that I’ve lived here full time (I’m a dual citizen) and I’ve seen first hand what living in a country that practises the total disarming of it’s law abiding citizenry is like..

In the United Kingdom you cannot even own a knife if the blade it too long. You are also very limited in defending yourself. Woe betide the person who uses too much violence to save themselves or their family from personal injury or death. I will just point out the the ‘anti-gun, anti-violence’ attitude and legislation forbids the use of tasers, spray cannisters (tear gas, pepper spray) and causing any sort of injury to the criminal who is attempting to murder, rob, rape or assault you.

Protecting yourself too vigorously will land you in court. You can, then depending of the circumstances, find yourself a guest at Her Majesty’s convenience. At the very least you could be fined a substantial amount of money for daring to protect your family and their (or your) safety.

Self defence is frowned on in this country. Violence, whether it is of a protective nature or not, is bad. And that will be the next step. Because the real disturbing truth is this. Gun control is just the first step in the government controlling you and trying to turn you into a cog in their mechanism.

Where they call allthe shots and you have no right to personally insure you are safe in your own city, town, or home.

Re-enactment of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corra...
Re-enactment of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Tombstone, Arizona (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Chicken Little Politics aka Gun Control.

U.S. Presidential flag, 1960-present (not usua...
U.S. Presidential flag, 1960-present (not usually called a “standard” in official U.S. government terminology). It is defined in Executive Order 10860. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everybody knows the story of Chicken Little. The small fry chicken who gets hit in the head by some debris and then runs around like a headless chicken telling everyone the sky is falling. Of course it transpires that the sky is not falling and that Chicken Little was panicking for no reason. Of course the moral of this story is be sure of the information you’re spreading around, it might just be wrong.

Or how about the little boy who cried wolf?  Another childhood story that deals with a boy responsible for looking out for a flock of sheep. This mini Shepard got bored with this glum and thankless task and took to running into town and telling everyone that a wolf was attacking the sheep. After the towns people ran out several times only to find that the boy had lied, when the wolf did finally show up, no-one believed him and all the sheep got eaten (and depending on the version of the story you might or might not have seen, the boy got nom-nommed as well).

The moral of this story was a bit similar to the Chicken Little parable, don’t lie or make up stories because one day it might really happen and no one will believe you.

I only thought of these two childhood morality tales when I was reading a few of the more spectacular Tweets on Twitter about gun control and the government conspiracy to take guns away from the great American public.

I will admit that I also thought of both these stories when the Bush administration was busy ladling out huge doses of fear and paranoia about weapons of mass destruction and how they were on the cusp of being used against innocent American citizens. The Bush presidential two-term run made sure that the American people were too terrified to ask questions and to wonder why everything had gotten  so bad. The entire eight year term proved what the conspiracy theorists had said all along.

The government is lying to you. And guess what? They’ve been doing it since the birth of the nation. Now you won’t find this out from history classes or the ”sanctioned’ history texts used by the educational institutes in America. You have to dig a bit deeper and look at tomes written by PHD students who have dug around and found out things about our government that they really don’t want you to know.

I had my eyes opened when I was a junior in High School. Our American history teacher told an amusing story about how the first President of the United States was almost fired. That’s right, George Washington, the father of our country was almost booted out of office in his first term.


Well George had a thing for the ladies. He also told congress not to bother giving him a huge salary, he’d just like his expenses paid, if you don’t mind. C0ngress  said that would be just fine, until they got those first expense sheets back. It turned out that George liked to buy his ‘ladies’ gifts as a gesture of appreciation. It also turned out that President Washington has a lot of appreciation to hand out. He almost broke the governmental coffers. He was told off and had his expense account discontinued and there was a lot of talk about having him replaced.

You won’t read that in a classroom text on American History. Out teacher found out from another university student that she knew who had based his thesis on it.

When I was in Southern California I found out from a professional photographer about how the United States forced Japan into the Second World War by placing an embargo on their oil. By stopping the oil coming into the country they stopped all production of things the Japanese needed to survive, so they in turn, declared war on the US.

That also won’t be found in a text book.

Conspiracy theories notwithstanding we already know that the truth about any given situation that the government deems ‘safe’ to relate to the masses is homogenized and pasteurized beyond all recognition of the real facts of what really happened, Is it any wonder that a lot of folks think that conspiracies lurk behind every corner?

I wrote earlier that I thought it was a bit too convenient, this ‘midnight massacre’ incident. Happening just when the government wants to change the gun control laws. With the President about to sign the United Nations Arms Trade Control Treaty on the 27th of July and with a large population of Americans up (if you’ll pardon the pun) in arms about; it is there really any surprise that folks think that the incident was rigged?

It’s like the government saying, “See we told you the current gun laws were bad. Just look what happened!” Just like Chicken Little or the boy who cried wolf, the government are telling us that not only is the sky falling, but that a big bad wolf is going to eat us up before we’re crushed by the debris.

I would have thought that after an eight year reign of ‘ruling by terror’ we would have learned to be a bit more cynical about the government and how they control the masses. I am not in any way detracting from the horror of what happened in a crowded movie theatre in Colorado.

What I am doing is questioning it and wondering how much of the conspiratorial hysteria is just hysterical finger pointing, looking for the wolf who isn’t there or shouting that, “Hey! The sky is falling asshole and it’s going crush all of us!” Or are they right, that this has been coldly and cruelly organised to show how right the government will be in taking away our right to bear arms.

Unfortunately with conspiracies and cover-ups, only time will reveal their presence. It is only after the dust settles that we can find out that the wolf was here and it was he who made the sky fall.

Do Not Adjust Your Set, We Have Control

English: Official logo for the ATF
English: Official logo for the ATF (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Okay call me cynical, but as I wrote my last blog-post about the ‘Midnight Shooter‘ something kept nibbling away at the back of my brain. I went to sleep on it with the hopes that this brain-eating problem would make itself known when I woke up in the morning.

It did.

The thing that kept ‘pinging’ my brain was the phrase “Fast and Furious.” Now unless you’ve been under a rock for the past year or on another planet, you’re going to be aware of the ‘scandal’ associated with that phrase. But just in case you missed it, here it is.

In 2011 it was discovered that the ATF  (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) had been operating a ‘sting’ operation which sold guns to Mexican drug cartels. For years. The ATF’s version of events was that this was done to aid in the identification of said cartel’s and ease the shut-down of the identified drug running organizations.

I cannot begin to imagine who in the world thought this was a good idea.  What kind of sting operation arms criminals?

It now appears that the whole Fast and Furious plan was about helping instigate new and stricter gun control laws. I can get behind the idea of stricter sales procedures for weapons as long as they don’t become too constrictive. The government have to make sure that they don’t go the way of England and make it practically impossible for an honest law-abiding citizen to own a gun.

If you ‘google’ the question how many mass shootings occurred in the last year you will get an array of answers. The highest amount quoted is 20 per year. Now as that source relied on information gleaned from a Russian website, I feel that the numbers might be a little exaggerated. Despite Russia’s new political “freedom” they still are not card carrying members of the “I heart USA” club.

What I am wondering about, is how this latest in the headline grabbing world of mass murder will help support the gun control advocates cause? I will freely admit that the conspiracy nut part of my brain embraces the idea that the ‘news‘ of the Midnight Shooters arsenal  collection via the internet combined with the ‘fact’ that he bought his weapons at four different gun outlets plays very nicely into the hands of the gun control advocates.

In a time period where the United States Government is hell-bent on controlling the world’s internet and the same government’s agencies provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels  in order to force gun law changes and now have unmanned drones that can take a picture of the average American’s navel fluff, is it that huge of a leap to think that this whole ‘midnight massacre’ plays very conveniently for the “Say no to guns brigade?”

We need to be paying very close attention to what is going on here. This whole ‘control’ thing is getting out of hand. Our government is there to protect and by extension act for us, not against us. This “scaremongering” needs to stop. If we keep focussing on stricter gun controls and ignore the constitutional right to bear arms, we could wind up like the UK . A place where juvenile gangs and other criminals have ready access to guns and the average citizen has to practically sell their soul to own a shotgun.

The same citizen who, if he defends his home and family a bit too vigorously will be penalized and imprisoned. That’s what losing the right to bear arms means. It means that you can no longer protect your home or loved ones from the evil that walks the streets.

Yes, what happened in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado was vile, horrible and terrifying. So is losing the right to defend yourself.  

2012 Olympics…Nero and His Fiddle

As the start date of the 2012 Olympics draws near, I cannot help but look at the money that was spent and is being spent by the government and shudder.

The state of the English economy is appalling. Along with every other country in the world England is struggling to meet it’s financial obligations. Daily we are treated to more ‘knee jerk’ solutions to our financial dilemma.

Pension ages have been raised along with the workers contribution, while the payable pensions are being reduced. Cutbacks, pay freezes, job redundancies, businesses going broke, public sector jobs being farmed out to companies who then hire workers at slave wages. I could go on and on about the financial horrors that the great English public are facing on an daily basis, but I think I’ve made my point.

In eleven days time the 2012 Olympic games will officially commence. The amount of money that the government has spent on this ‘event’ is in the billions. I have no idea how much has been spent on advertising the games or how much has been set aside to ‘fund’ the torch relay that will culminate in the opening of the games. You can bet the bill is massive.

Television advertisements are being shown as often as possible to evoke some sort of national pride in the games. With special emphasis being placed on the Paralympics and local news relaying the relay of the Olympic torch‘s progress. The British public is being inundated with coverage of the games before they’ve even started.

But no one is asking the question, “Can we really afford to be supporting this?” This multi-billion pound ‘business’ venture that may or may not even pay for itself? The organisers can’t even afford to provide adequate security for the Olympic venue. G4S cannot come up with the physical numbers required so it has been decided that the military will have to help.

The same military that, like other ‘governmental employees’, is having it’s numbers cut-back to the bone and is already massively over-tasked.

I feel as though the British government is suffering from a huge amount of tunnel vision concerning the games and their possible net profit benefits to English coffers.

The emphasis on the spectacle of the games has a “whistling through the graveyard” feel to it. Even worse is the knowledge that while the British economy is burning to ash and rubble, the government, just like Nero, are madly playing their fiddles while more jobs, lives, and businesses go up in smoke. 

Marijuana and Bathsalts, Oh Really?

Miami-Dade Police Department
Miami-Dade Police Department (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world was shocked to its very civilised core when the story broke about a face eating incident in Miami, Florida. For the uninitiated or those of you who were on the moon when this story broke, here are the basics of the story.

Rudi Eugene was shot to death by Miami Dade police while he was in the process of eating a homeless man’s face. When Rudi was approached by the police and told to stop he growled and continued eating. Rudi was naked at the time of this incident. My first thoughts were that he was overdosing on cocaine or PCP or some type of meth’s.

Amazingly I’ve not read anything about Rudi’s corpse being tested for anything other than marijuana and bathsalts. Does anyone else have that, huh, feeling? Now I am not a drugs expert by any means. I was too young for the Swinging Sixties and too timid to indulge in the marijuana movement of the Seventies. *Perhaps not much of a “movement” anywhere else but where I was growing up.*

I will admit that I was very puzzled over the testing for bathsalts. I didn’t realize until later that this was a term for a new “designer drug” that has similar effects to amphetamine and cocaine. So it came as no surprise that Eugene was tested for this. I was a bit taken aback when I read that police were still considering the marijuana issue.

As far as I know, Pot gives you the munchies all right, but not for someone else’s face. Doritos, pizza, anything in the fridge, yes. Faces no.

Of course what is also shocking, repulsive and weird is that Rudi was not alone in his ‘craving’ for human flesh. No less than ten other cases of cannibalism have been reported (or perhaps unearthed is a better term) since Rudi was gunned down in his birthday suit chomping another man’s face.

One or two of these ‘stories’ can be dismissed as the working of a sick and deranged mind. The others don’t really seem to have a lot in common with Rudi’s snack preferences. But, if you look at studies that scientists made on rats and their behaviour when their numbers got too big, it won’t come as too much of a surprise.

When a rat population or colony becomes overcrowded, scientists discovered the rats began fighting each other and resorting to cannibalism. In essence attacking each other and eating the loser. Since sociologically rats are our first cousin, so to speak, it begs the question, are we becoming overcrowded?

The obvious answer is yes. With advancements in modern medicine, better diet and less strenuous life styles, people are living longer. A longer life cycle equates to having more and more people. Ergo, we are all starting to act like the rats. Don’t believe me? Check out your fellow drivers and passengers the next time you get caught in a traffic jam. I know I’ve been angry and frustrated enough to go out and start biting someone after waiting for an hours long bottleneck to clear up.

But as disturbing as this thought is, and believe me folks are disturbed, or as fanciful (there are lots of zombie apocalypse theories out there at the moment) it might be, I think the media is giving us a clue where this will head.

Every article I’ve read repeatedly brings up the marijuana and bathsalts angle. Either through test results or the speculation of symptoms of either drug. I think that I will not be too surprised to see a governmental crack down of both drugs. Either that or the media is participating in a misdirection exercise and there really is a zombie apocalypse looming in our immediate future.

If that is the case? I’m going to start getting ready.  I’ll start watching George A. Romero‘s films and definitely watch Shaun of the Dead (we do live in England) and train. Can anyone tell me the quickest way to The Winchester?

Cover of "Shaun of the Dead"
Cover of Shaun of the Dead