Hunters: Promise – Memories (Review)

 Hunters - Season 1

After last week’s abduction and Flynn’s fight with Briggs;  this week is all about memories and mainly follows a three pronged storyline. Flynn falling deeper into depression and a self destructive streak after running into Abby,  the scientist giving Abby and  Liana what they need for the purge and Regan going after her mother; Liana.

Flynn has a motorbike accident after his fight with Briggs and ends up in hospital.  Jackson supports the FBI agent but only so far.  Truss arranges to have Flynn taken home and Emme is traumatized by the event.  Later she goes to self-harm, her means of coping, and discovers a box of files in the shed. One of these is a CIA file on Abby.

Allison questions her father for Finnerman and learns a lot. She then tells the big boss that if she hurts Ted  (Craig Hall)  again Regan will rip Finnerman’s throat out. 

Regan heads to Mexico to meet with Liana (Paula Arundel)  while Martinez (Christopher Sommersgets pressure from Allison’s mother to perfect his process to enhance the purge. Once he completes the formula Abby (Laura Gordon) will have to kill the scientist.

In Mexico Karp (Erroll Shand picks up Regan and transports her to a meeting place. Flynn bottom’s out and asks Briggs (Mark Coles Smith) to help him  commit suicide. He has had enough. Truss shows up in time to stop the conversation from going any further. Jackson and Flynn go for a ride. 

Carp takes a blood sample from Regan while Finnerman forces  her father Ted to translate the Hunter’s language.  She believes that the aliens are trying to revert to form to survive a nuclear war.

Martinez finalizes his formula and it works. Liana orders Abby to kill the man. After a little hesitation, she does.

Regan meets with Liana and the little reunion does not go at all well. Allison smuggles a weapon into the meet via the   child carrying space on her back and Liana is enraged.  The two fight and Regan gets the worst of it. Running away, Liana pursues her daughter with a sniper rife.  As the mother aims at her daughter’s throat, a semi-truck passes by and Regan escapes. Liana cries out in frustration.

Russ recalls some memories for Flynn that the agent has buried. Regan returns to the ETU without her mother. She visits with her father and he reveals that he cannot take captivity any longer.  Ted commits suicide by draining himself of blood.

Throughout  the episode, Regan has flashbacks to her childhood. It seems that Liana was a “Type A” personality even then.   Ted apparently identified more closely with the innocent humans than with the cold-hearted Hunters; something he passed on to Regan. Liana obviously resented this as she was the one who tried to kill Ted and not Musa, as Allison mistakenly believed.

Liana is a focussed Hunter who believes nothing can get in the way of the purge. Abby is caught between her feelings for the innocents (a bit of a spiritual twin to Ted) and working for her species’ survival.

Flynn must deal with memories that he has kept hidden in order to move forward for his and Emme’s sake.

It is interesting to note that when Liana was targeting Regan with the sniper rifle she aimed for the throat, the same place that Abby had Flynn shoot her so she would survive.  Does this mean that Liana meant to capture her daughter rather than kill her?

“Hunters” airs Mondays on SyFy.

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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