Paris Hilton Punk’d in Poor Taste (Op/Ed)

Paris Hilton looking different
Ashton Kutcher and his MTV prank show Punk’d may not have started the whole, let’s pick on a celebrity craze, but he can be blamed in part for it. The show was wildly popular and it became a bit of a status symbol to get targeted by the new Mr. Kunis. Other countries have adopted the format and now Paris Hilton has been “punk’d” by Egyptian telly presenter Ramez Wakel el-Gaw. The 34 year-old celebrity and “actress” was caught out on a recent Dubai trip and the whole “punk’d” experience looks to be in very poor taste.

The segment of the show, which can be seen in the YouTube video below, is not actually very funny; for a number of reasons. For a start, there are too many “uncomfortable” things going on, close seating, a “foul” smell caused by an aerosol can being sprayed behind Hilton’s seat, and when the plane goes into crash mode, everyone starts screaming. On top of that, two members of what look like aircrew, open the back of the plane and after one jumps out, start attempting to hand out parachutes.

“I don’t want to jump,” wails Paris as the woman immediately behind her appears to start throwing up. Hilton apparently has a fear of dying in a plane crash, perfectly understandable considering the amount of air travel she must do on an annual basis. While this may not be common knowledge someone must have known and this makes the entire “prank” a cheap shot and not funny at all.

Not being a huge fan of Hilton, I will confess to cheering when her character’s head was skewered by a pole in the 2005 House of Wax remake, not just because the woman cannot act, but because of her dubious claim to fame. Several websites have pondered whether or not Paris was in on the gag or not. As at least one pointed out, “She is not that good an actress.”

Point taken.

By the end of this questionable stunt the presenter professes his “love” for Paris and she replies, “I’m going to kill you.” According to other publications she has gotten over her “shock” and has tweeted about the incident relating little “anecdotes” about her terrifying experience. No surprise there, this is the woman who turned what could have been a soul destroying sex tape leak into almost instant success.

While Paris hits Twitter, there may be a couple of Egyptian show hosts and presenters who might have to watch their collective backs for a while, not for a Hilton hitman, or woman, to snuff them out, but for a lawyer armed with a bit of “punk’d” paperwork for them. Turn about, as they say, is fair play chaps.

On a side note: is that plane a Sherpa? Anyone who knows; answers on a postcard please or in the comment section. Cheers.

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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