The Flash vs Arrow Equals Geek vs Testosterone (Review)

The Flash vs Arrow Equals Geek vs Testosterone (Review)

Two heroes who fight crime equals at least a couple of different ways to approach problems and in the first episode of the CW two-night crossover The Flash vs Arrow the whole plot of Tuesday’s show boils down to a case of geek vs testosterone. The first part of the program pointed out the weaknesses and strengths of both comic book heroes. The plot line, apart from amusingly showing just how differently the two good guy’s work soon becomes a real hero versus hero after Barry Allen, aka The Flash, gets “whammied” by the villain’s red glowing “angry eyes” which infects victims with a killing rage.

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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