‘American Horror Story’ Test of Strength Adieu Ma Petite

‘American Horror Story’ Test of Strength Adieu Ma Petite

American Horror Story: Test of Strength is easily the most tragic, yet creepiest, episode of the Ryan Murphy creation and it is “adieu Ma Petite” a tiny too trusting soul who learns that one should beware a strongman bearing gifts. Last week’s episode ended with Jimmy arriving at Mott Mansion demanding to speak to the Tatler twins. This week opened with what transpired during that visit. Young Mr. Darling learns that Bette and Dot were sold to the Motts and when he hears Dandy’s version of events the night that Twisty died, Jimmy realises that Dandy was the other clown. He tells the twins that they need to come with him, “Now.”

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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