Saturday Night Live: Chris Rock Bringing it Back in His Monologue (Video)

Saturday Night Live: Chris Rock Bringing it Back in His Monologue (Video)

On the November 1 Saturday Night Live Chris Rock was bringing the show back to its roots in his opening monologue with edgy humor that used to be the mainstay of any Saturday Night Live broadcast. Relying on comedy that approached the boundaries of poor taste and, according to some, breached them. It has to be admitted that Chris Rock’s humor is not for everyone. Not quite an acquired taste but close, the comedian’s approach to topics of comedy has always been irreverent and “close to the bone.” Having the former cast member back on the show was obviously another move intended as a celebratory move for the SNL 40th anniversary series.

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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