Superman Vs Batman Trades Places with Peter Pan

Superman Vs Batman Trades Places with Peter Pan

It looks like the upcoming Warner Bros blockbuster Superman vs Batman trades places with Peter Pan in terms of release dates. The new crossover film starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck was set to premiere July 17, 2015. Now it appears that date will see the release of Hugh Jackman film Pan, where the Wolverine star is rumored to appear as Blackbeard.

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

3 thoughts on “Superman Vs Batman Trades Places with Peter Pan”

  1. What?? Blackbeard in Peter Pan?? Did Hook get the hook?
    Have Smee and Tinkerbell escaped any tinkering? Will Pan find his shadow and go bad? Does Wendy get violated ‘over the rainbow’? Oh … sorry, that’s the Wizard of … something.

    I think.

    And Superman and Batman … ? maybe this is where Hook shows up?

    Were all these movies edited in the same dark room?

    The possibilities are mindless.

    Everyone is Afflecked.

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