Just hit the 300 followers mark!

My friend and director Tash Harmer hit the 300 follower mark today, if you don’t already, head on over and add to her follower count by following, tell her I sent ya!

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

7 thoughts on “Just hit the 300 followers mark!”

  1. Haha stupid wordpress, I found a comment on one of my articles about male enlargement while I was unspamming all the not spam comments! XD

  2. Cheers for the reblog 😀
    loads of comments ended up in my spam folder so I’ve literally only just seen this and your other recent comments xD someone pointed it out on Twitter, damm WordPress -_-

  3. No, it’s a friend’s blog, I have over 600 and rising. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to figure out the way that blogging follows works, if it made sense, everybody would want to do it! Cheers! 🙂

  4. Is this you, Mike, or another blogger who hit 300 followers? Either way it depresses me. I’m doing the same thing I’ve always been doing and I’m not doing anywhere near as good as I used to. I’m getting so effing fed up with this blogging business. I try to tell myself that I do this for myself, but it still bugs. Son of a b!tch I sound like such an effing whiner. Aaaaaargggghhhh!!

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