Bring me Sunshine

It is amazing how one little thing can change your outlook so much. When I went to bed last night, exhausted from power reading my way through one book and halfway through another, it was raining so much I expected to see Noah at my front door in the morning warning of the impending flood.

Waking up earlier this morning the rain was still present and busily melting the last vestiges of the snow and ice we’ve had on the ground for over a week. Not especially cheerful to look at, but the knowledge that my trips to the Metro would be safer now did fill me with comfort.

I then went back to bed (had a seriously weird dream that I’ll be damned if I can remember anything about except its odd and possibly disturbing nature) and then woke to this glorious sunshine and the odd pile of shovelled snow with a few heaps of disinterred snowmen scattered about. My energy level, as always, shot off the effing chain like it usually does when Sol makes one of his sporadic appearances.

Coincidentally, every time the sun puts in a much appreciated appearance I think of Morecambe and Wise. Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise (Little Erne) a comic duo whose TV show used to delight me when I first came to England; their show’s ending signature tune was Bring Me Sunshine and the lads would sign and cavort to the song. It quickly became a favourite of mine and I can still hear them singing it; although both funny men have passed on to that big stage in the sky.

One tiny seagull celebrates the sun in my neighbourhood.

Nothing charges my batteries more than the sight of a robin-egg blue sky, with or without seagull. I already feel equipped to face world and the many different challenges that face me, head on. I feel like standing tall, pointing my arm in the forward direction and shouting, “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed [sic] ahead!” I am not alone in my joy of the sun’s re-emergence, I’ve seen scores of my neighbours who have been, like me, mostly house-bound trundling themselves and their children, babies and dogs sprightly down the path; all smiling and all happy.

If I was in fact completely restored by this “salubrious weather” I’d probably attempt the Morecambe and Wise dance that used to accompany their Bring Me Sunshine song, instead I’ll just hop on YouTube and see if anyone has been kind enough to post it and perhaps just sing along while the boys dance.


Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

2 thoughts on “Bring me Sunshine”

  1. During the 6 weeks I spent in England in 1979, one of the things I most remember was how excited everyone got when the sun came out. It was an event! Not easy living in the drizzle capital of the western world, eh? But here, we have our monsoon seasons too … not to mention weeks of cold gray weather. But today, the sky is azure. The sun is as bright as it can be in late January. Let’s hear it for Old Sol!

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