I’ve Been Given the Beautiful Blogger Award! Wow

Just when I thought that my week could not possibly get any better, it did! The kind and generous (and vastly entertaining blogger) Marilyn over at Serendipity (who is not only a voracious blogger, but who has the best site name ever.) started my rather bleary eyed morning with a note of praise and an award.

The Beautiful Blogger Award is another of those Blogging awards that is designed to help bloggers let the community learn more about their site and the blogger who feeds it. *I have to refer to it as “feed” because I don’t know about you, but my site is a starving creature who demands that I feed it on a regular basis. If I don’t uphold my end of the bargain, it invades my sleep and nags me constantly until I do.*

So before I go any further I have to firstly thank the lovely blogger who nominated me for this lovely award and provide a link back to her blog. Serendipity aka Teepee12 aka Marilyn, writes well, steadily, constantly and entertainingly. She never fails to make me smile, think, question and chuckle. Her writing is erudite and refreshing. Please check out the link and read her blog posts. They will make your day.

As with any of these awards there are a few rules that must be adhered to. I do have to say that as far as rules go, this one is pretty much pain-free. I’ve done what I always do when presented with something new, I’ve gone back and read every ‘related’ link to see how this all works.

It looks like you can do the “seven things you don’t know about me” list if you want and you can then pass on seven questions for your nominees to answer. I will have to say that the ‘chain letter’ feel of this always make me feel slightly pained.


Well, I feel like I’m intruding to a small degree and more importantly, I’m afraid that if I make the award process too labour intensive that folks won’t receive the award in the spirit that its given.

So, after a very long winded dissertation about the rules, I am opting to not include seven more things you didn’t know about me.

Hey! You in the back! No giggling! As for the rest of you, I can almost feel the collective sigh of relief. Without further ado, I’ll list the, somewhat, shorter rules.

  • Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and create a link back to their blog.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award.

The first two items I’ve taken care of in my own long winded fashion. Now here is the part I really dread. I follow a lot of bloggers, it is my habit to follow anyone back who follows me. It’s kind of like the ‘misery loves company’ rule but in reverse. I feel that if someone has take the time and effort to follow me, the least I can do is follow back.

Because of that practise, I’ve gotten acquainted with quite a few blogs and the writers who power them. So I now have to winnow out seven to pass the award to. I would tear my hair and rend my clothes in frustration, but my hair is too thin to even think of tearing, the rending of clothes would leave my wardrobe short a few items that I can ill afford to replace. I will have to do a bit of a lottery system of choice.

I will apologise, in advance, for ‘choosing you’ and ‘not choosing you’ in that order. Now that I am firmly straddled on the fence (and nervously looking out for splinters) here are my seven nominees:

1. Head In A Vice Tyson is a great guy and one of the busiest bloggers I know. He does great reviews and Desert Island Films.

2. jpfmovies J P is another great guy who does some brill reviews and thoughts on movies.

3. DeLeDesserts is a recent addition to my list of follows. The clue is in the title. Desserts, natch! Check it out.

4.  tryingtowriteit is another recent addition and it’s a brilliant site. A lovely writing style awaits you.

5. Popcorn Dinner I can’t do a nomination and not include Janet over a Popcorn Dinner. She’s fab!

6.AndyWatchesMovies Another great guy and prolific blogger. Check him out, it’s worth the trip.

7. shesinthesky I have to add Zoe over at shesinthesky. She’s brill as well.

There you have it. My list of seven. Now that I’ve managed to alienate everyone else that follows me, I can only apologise. I did use the lottery system for everyone listed above, except for two…well, three. These folks all comment regularly and helpfully. They’ve also been a source of support since I’ve been in the WordPress community.

I now have to notify the folks that I’ve nominated and I’ll be done. Thanks again Marilyn aka Serendipity! You are a star!

Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

20 thoughts on “I’ve Been Given the Beautiful Blogger Award! Wow”

  1. It sounds like you needed an upper as much as I did! Hang on in there. Horrible experiences make hilariously funny stories once you stop bleeding.

  2. Hey no problem, I couldn’t think of anyone who deserved it more! Well, apart from six other people! LOL 😀

  3. Wow, Mike! Thanks so much for including me again. I’m very flattered to be in the list of 7 and will get to work on a response post ASAP. Cheers!

  4. Thanks for this Mike, appreciate it buddy! My ego actually loves getting any kind of award or recognition so I’m always thrilled and honoured to be thought of by one of my peers. I’ll sort a post out very soon. And congrats!! 🙂

  5. Yay! I’ve gotten out of the spam bin!!! Whoo hoo! No problem mate. You do great reviews and you’ve been very supportive! 😀

  6. Thanks! No problem about the referencing, we beautiful bloggers got to stick together! 🙂 I’ve followed you back, by the way. Here’s to happy reading! Cheers.

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