Really, It’s an Honour To Be Nominated…

I woke up this morning and did what I always do, I rushed down to my laptop to see how many views I’d gotten whilst in the land of Nod.

*Sad, I know, but such is the life I lead.*

I found out that John, fellow blogger and ‘followee’ had nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. After scraping the sleep from my eyes, I shot back a quick comment of thanks. I then read his latest post,  Another Award and I Can Still Keep My Humility and realised that this was going to require a little ‘work’ on my part.

So making a very strong coffee I decided, between sips, to still be honoured by the nomination, despite the fact that it required labour and (God, the irony) thinking.

So, firstly I have to thank John for the nomination *bit of explanation required here, every time I hear the phrase ‘nominated for’ I think of the Academy Awards* and then following the rules I have to nominate ten more Bloggers and link to their sites.

**Is it just me or is this starting to feel like a ‘chain’ nomination??**

1. Creature with the Atom Brain

2. Ghost Cities

3. Myteensavers’s Blog

4. 3teensmom

5. True Mister Six

6. Bucket List Publications

7. J.P.’s I’m Outta Here Movie Thoughts

8. while ( aboutMe < Mathf.Infinity ) { … }

9.  Bridgette Gallagher

10. Renard Moreau

Wow, that was tough. I like all the Bloggers that I follow and it was really difficult to narrow the list to just ten. Sorry, if you got missed! Okay, checking my ‘must-do’ list…Right here is the award:

Of course next up is the all important thank you to John of  jmount43  with a link back to his site. Thanks, John! Seriously, I get stupidly pleased, excited and happy if I am ever nominated for anything, dude, you’ve made my day.

Now for the rules part:

1. In a post on your blog, nominate 10 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award; and link to them.

2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.

3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.

4. In the same post, share 10 completely random pieces of information about yourself.

5. In the same post, include this set of rules.

6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

Last and definitely least I have to inform you,  friends and neighbours, of ten things about me:

1. I have a natural tendency to be a smart-ass.

2. My favourite meal is foot, it must be because I’m constantly shoving the damn thing in my mouth.

3. I have been married twice…and divorced twice.

4. I once auditioned for Leon Vitali, Stanley Kubrik’s right hand man for the part played eventually by Alan Cumming in Eyes Wide Shut.

5. I am addicted to video games and films, both tend to equal lot’s of late nights.

6. I am becoming addicted to Blogging.

7. I have an eighteen inch scar running right up the middle of my back.

8. I always wanted to have “any identifying marks or scars” so #7 helped me out there.

9. I was once addicted to so many pain pills that it took me two years to get off all of them.

10. As a rule, when I am angry, one-liners shoot from my mouth like a verbal machine gun barrage.

And that’s it, except for the, letting my nominees know that I nominated them via comments. Which I will do as soon as this is published!

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Former Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

12 thoughts on “Really, It’s an Honour To Be Nominated…”

  1. Doh! *FacePalm* Now where did I put my “releasable” facts file…Cheers dude, I guess turn about is fair play and all that. 🙂

  2. Thank you for the nomination, I’m very flattered. It made me grin through the awful Euro Cup Final.^^

  3. Well spotted! They were mutually inclusive. That was back in the day, when I was completely in the dark about being addicted to pharmaceutical drugs. I had no idea that I was addicted to my prescriptions until the weekend I ran out of just one of them. I’ll have to blog about that sometime, It was an experience, I can tell you! Try an espresso coffee, that’ll rev you up! 🙂

  4. My first nomination – thanks, Mike! Now I just have to learn how to do all those things in the list. Please bear with me as I tackle each of the steps. I think I can. I think I can. And, if I can, I will be versatile. Oh, got it. Where’s that extra strong coffee????
    I may have missed the post about what preceeded the back scar. In case I didn’t, I’m hanging by the edge of my seat. I assume the scar led to the pain pills?

  5. Very good idea. I think that despite the enormous amount of bloggers on the ‘world-wide-web’ that we are a somewhat exclusive bunch. Perhaps we could give out ‘virtual’ awards at a ‘virtual’ ceremony. Then we could all give our versions of the Sally Field ‘you really like me’ virtual speech. 😉

  6. Well, if you think about it, that’s exactly what actors do when they give Oscars to each other. Why not? We bloggers deserve some credit too, right? If it were up to me though, I’d limit it to just one or two nominees to make it more exclusive. 🙂

  7. You know, I kind had a feeling! 😀 Still, it’s nice to mutually honour folks now and again! Thanks for the congrats. 😉

  8. Congratulations on receiving the VBA! It’s quite an honor. 😉 Play it up as much as you can, but shhh, don’t tell anyone it’s a mutual honor society.

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